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Lüftung & Klimatechnik

Looking for premium quality Co2, Filters, and Ventilation products online? Look no further as we offer the fastest delivery with free shipment within a 14 day reflection period. Our vast inventory includes all the necessary products to filter out unwanted air impurities and improve your living space's ventilation. With our easy to use menu, no Wish List will be empty for long. Customers can enjoy a stress-free shopping experience, and we go above and beyond to provide 24/7 customer support with swift resolutions to every dispute. Don't wait! Visit our website today and explore our Co2, Filters, and Ventilation collection to find the perfect product for your

Looking for premium quality Co2, Filters, and Ventilation products online? Look no further as we offer the fastest delivery with free shipment within a 14 day reflection period. Our vast inventory includes all the necessary products to filter out unwanted air impurities and improve your living space's ventilation. With our easy to use menu, no Wish List will be empty for long. Customers can enjoy a stress-free shopping experience, and we go above and beyond to provide 24/7 customer support with swift resolutions to every dispute. Don't wait! Visit our website today and explore our Co2, Filters, and Ventilation collection to find the perfect product for your needs.

Fast Delivery

Customers can expect their orders to be delivered quickly, thanks to the fast delivery service provided by the company. This ensures that customers receive their purchased products in a timely manner, which is a significant advantage over traditional shipping methods.

Free Shipment

The company offers free shipment on its products, providing customers with an opportunity to save money on shipping costs. This creates value for customers, and also helps to encourage customer loyalty.

14 Days Reflection Period

The company provides a 14-day reflection period to customers, during which they can reflect on their purchase and determine if they are satisfied with their products. This period minimizes risk for customers, ensuring customer satisfaction and happiness with their purchase. If customers are not satisfied with their purchase they may return the item(s) back within 14 days of receipt.

Available Products

The company offers Co2, Filters, and Ventilation products, which are essential for indoor gardening and cultivating plants. These high-quality products ensure that plants receive vital nutrients and support, resulting in healthy growth and abundant harvests.

Kategorien für lüftung & klimatechnik

86 produkte
86 produkte
GHP Humipro Luchtbevochtiger
Garden HighProGHP Humipro Luchtbevochtiger

Der HumiPro Luftbefeuchter von Garden Highpro ist ein unverzichtbares Werkzeug in jedem G

Der HumiPro Luftbefeuchter von Garden Highpro ist ein unverzichtbares Werkzeug in jedem G

Prima Klima Rohrventilator PK125mm EC-TC 680m3
Prima KlimaPrima Klima Rohrventilator PK125mm EC-TC 680m3

PK 125 EC-TC Ventilator 680M3 Der unverwüstliche Rohrventilator von Prima Klima mit Kont

PK 125 EC-TC Ventilator 680M3 Der unverwüstliche Rohrventilator von Prima Klima mit Kont

Ram Luftbefeuchter 1,1 L/H 13L Reservoir
OraRam Luftbefeuchter 1,1 L/H 13L Reservoir

RAM Luftbefeugter 1,1 L/H 13L RESERVOIR Der RAM Ultrasonic Humidifier 13L Tank bietet die

RAM Luftbefeugter 1,1 L/H 13L RESERVOIR Der RAM Ultrasonic Humidifier 13L Tank bietet die

Airbomz CO2 Dispenser komplett
AirbomzAirbomz CO2 Dispenser komplett

Der CO2 Dispenser von Airbomz ist der erste steuerbare CO2-Dispenser mit eingebautem Lich

Der CO2 Dispenser von Airbomz ist der erste steuerbare CO2-Dispenser mit eingebautem Lich

Lighthouse Eco 240W
LighthouseLighthouse Eco 240W

LightHouse Eco-Heat 240W ist die ultimative Lösung für die Kontrolle der Umgebungstempe

LightHouse Eco-Heat 240W ist die ultimative Lösung für die Kontrolle der Umgebungstempe

Secret Jardin Osc. Monkey Fan 20w
Secret JardinSecret Jardin Osc. Monkey Fan 20w

Der oszillierende Monkey Fan 20w, 20cm von Secret Jardin ist die ideale Lösung für alle

Der oszillierende Monkey Fan 20w, 20cm von Secret Jardin ist die ideale Lösung für alle

G-tools mini ventilator
G-ToolsG-tools mini ventilator

Dieser Miniventilator kühlt problemlos Beleuchtungssysteme bis zu 250 W. Ideal für Mikr

Dieser Miniventilator kühlt problemlos Beleuchtungssysteme bis zu 250 W. Ideal für Mikr


Prima Klima PK2601 Eco Flat Aktivkohlefilter 125 mm 360 m³/h
Prima KlimaPrima Klima PK2601 Eco Flat Aktivkohlefilter 125 mm 360 m³/h

Prima Klima PK2601 Eco Flat Aktivkohlefilter 125 mm 360 m³/h Effektive Geruchsentfernung

Prima Klima PK2601 Eco Flat Aktivkohlefilter 125 mm 360 m³/h Effektive Geruchsentfernung

Komplettes Ventilatordämpferset
G-ToolsKomplettes Ventilatordämpferset

Kompletter Miniventilator 185M3 mit PK K2600 Minikohlenstofffilter + Schalldämpfer. Met

Kompletter Miniventilator 185M3 mit PK K2600 Minikohlenstofffilter + Schalldämpfer. Met

Co2 Bag
Co2 Bag

Der CO2Bag® ist ein revolutionäres Produkt, das eine einfache und kostengünstige Lösu

Der CO2Bag® ist ein revolutionäres Produkt, das eine einfache und kostengünstige Lösu

Biogreen Palma Kachel
BiogreenBiogreen Palma Kachel

Der Heizlüfter Palma von BioGreen ist ausschließlich aus hochwertigem Edelstahl geferti

Der Heizlüfter Palma von BioGreen ist ausschließlich aus hochwertigem Edelstahl geferti

  • Sicher Rechnung bestellen
  • Versandkostenfrei ab €150
  • Superschnelle Lieferung
ROOT!T Thermostat für Heizmatte
Root!tROOT!T Thermostat für Heizmatte

ROOT!T Thermostat für Heizmatte Diese Rootit ™ digitaler regelbare Thermostat. Nur fü

ROOT!T Thermostat für Heizmatte Diese Rootit ™ digitaler regelbare Thermostat. Nur fü

Garden Highpro Klammerventilator 20cm
Garden HighProGarden Highpro Klammerventilator 20cm

Garden Highpro Klammerventilator 20cm Dieser sehr nachhaltige und qualitativ hochwertige

Garden Highpro Klammerventilator 20cm Dieser sehr nachhaltige und qualitativ hochwertige

Schlauchklemme 525mm
Schlauchklemme 525mm

Schlauchklemme 380mm
Schlauchklemme 380mm

Schlauchklemme 270mm
Schlauchklemme 270mm

Combiconnect 254mm 10 meter
CombiconnectCombiconnect 254mm 10 meter

Combiconnect 127mm 10 meter
CombiconnectCombiconnect 127mm 10 meter

RAM Wand Ventilator 40cm 45W
RAMRAM Wand Ventilator 40cm 45W

Der RAM Wall Fan 40cm ist der optimale Wandventilator für jeden Growraum. Dieses Modell

Der RAM Wall Fan 40cm ist der optimale Wandventilator für jeden Growraum. Dieses Modell

Secret Jardin Monkey Fan 30w
Secret JardinSecret Jardin Monkey Fan 30w

Der Monkey Fan 16w von Secret Jardin bietet Gärtnern eine leistungsstarke, hocheffizient

Der Monkey Fan 16w von Secret Jardin bietet Gärtnern eine leistungsstarke, hocheffizient

RAM Heavy Duty Wandventilator 45cm
RAMRAM Heavy Duty Wandventilator 45cm

RAM Heavy Duty Wandventilator 45cm Mit dem Ram Heavy Duty Wandventilator haben Sie den id

RAM Heavy Duty Wandventilator 45cm Mit dem Ram Heavy Duty Wandventilator haben Sie den id

Hygrostat Luftbefeuchter analog
HR-15Hygrostat Luftbefeuchter analog

Hygrostat Befeuchters analog Mit einem Hygrostaten eingestellt das Feuchtigkeitsniveau er

Hygrostat Befeuchters analog Mit einem Hygrostaten eingestellt das Feuchtigkeitsniveau er

Cezio Befeuchter für bis zu 100 m3
HR-15Cezio Befeuchter für bis zu 100 m3

Cezio Luchtbevochtiger max 100 m3 Cezio Befeuchter für bis zu 100 m3 Die Cezio Luftbefeu

Cezio Luchtbevochtiger max 100 m3 Cezio Befeuchter für bis zu 100 m3 Die Cezio Luftbefeu


Type Lüftung & Klimatechnik

Looking for premium quality Co2, Filters, and Ventilation products online? Look no further as we offer the fastest delivery with free shipment within a 14 day reflection period. Our vast inventory includes all the necessary products to filter out unwanted air impurities and improve your living space's ventilation. With our easy to use menu, no Wish List will be empty for long. Customers can enjoy a stress-free shopping experience, and we go above and beyond to provide 24/7 customer support with swift resolutions to every dispute. Don't wait! Visit our website today and explore our Co2, Filters, and Ventilation collection to find the perfect product for your needs.

Fast Delivery

Customers can expect their orders to be delivered quickly, thanks to the fast delivery service provided by the company. This ensures that customers receive their purchased products in a timely manner, which is a significant advantage over traditional shipping methods.

Free Shipment

The company offers free shipment on its products, providing customers with an opportunity to save money on shipping costs. This creates value for customers, and also helps to encourage customer loyalty.

14 Days Reflection Period

The company provides a 14-day reflection period to customers, during which they can reflect on their purchase and determine if they are satisfied with their products. This period minimizes risk for customers, ensuring customer satisfaction and happiness with their purchase. If customers are not satisfied with their purchase they may return the item(s) back within 14 days of receipt.

Available Products

The company offers Co2, Filters, and Ventilation products, which are essential for indoor gardening and cultivating plants. These high-quality products ensure that plants receive vital nutrients and support, resulting in healthy growth and abundant harvests.

Lüftung & Klimatechnik
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